We feel that it is important that children show a sense of respect for the Academy to which they belong, and that they take thought and care in their behaviour and dress within and beyond the Academy. (Plain clothing or with academy logo only please).
Safe and appropriate footwear must be worn; preferably shoes not trainers please. If trainers are worn, these must be plain black.
We do not appreciate sport or fashion logos on clothing.
Academy sweatshirts. fleeces, jackets and cardigans are available from Price and Buckland
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with the child’s name!
Plain white polo shirt
Black or grey trousers / plain black, navy or grey shorts in the summer
Academy sweatshirt or plain navy blue jumper
White blouse or white polo shirt
Navy blue, black or grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers
Blue and white checked/striped dress
Academy sweatshirt or cardigan or plain navy blue jumper or cardigan
T-shirt (white or ‘House’ colour – red, blue or yellow) and navy or black shorts
Warm clothing such as a track suit in winter
Football boots or trainers and shin pads for children who play football
Children should have P.E. kit at the Academy every day. Earrings should be removed for PE.
Children should not have false nails or extensions. Nail varnish must not be worn.