The Discipline and Behaviour Management Policy and the Anti Bullying Policy has been approved by the Governing Body and adopted throughout the Academy.
We aim to promote a warm, happy and positive atmosphere. We ask children to walk, rather than run, in the building; to have concern for the welfare and needs of others; and to be polite to others. There are restrictions on the children’s movement at different times of the day, and these are explained to them.
In September, each class agrees their class code of conduct and the Academy Council uses these to form the Academy Code of Conduct which is adopted by ‘whole academy council assembly’ and displayed in the Academy.
A ‘Celebration assembly’ is held every Friday, an opportunity for examples of curriculum work to be shown to the whole Academy. This sharing of work promotes all subject areas and standards throughout the academy and provides opportunity for children to speak to an audience. A class ‘purple’ certificate is awarded during this assembly to highlight a child’s achievement; these do not need be an academic award.
During the week, children receive team points and other class reward systems such as stickers and ‘smiley faces’. Our Praise Award system recognises and praises good and excellent effort, work and our Motto principles. 5 star cards are awarded for good and consistent effort. 10 star cards are awarded for excellent and sustained effort. These certificates are presented during the Friday Celebration assembly. At the end of each term, we total the number of points achieved by every child. Once children gain 50 star points, certificate and congratulations letter is given. 100 Star points provide a certificate, letter posted home to share and a gold star badge to wear on the uniform. These star points accumulate throughout their time at Murrow Primary Academy to see how many 100 star badges can be achieved!
We believe in a fair and consistent approach to behaviour management. Children are regularly reminded of the behaviour procedure and expectations.
At Murrow Primary Academy you can expect your child to enjoy all the benefits of working in a classroom where there are very clear expectations of behaviour, where good behaviour is continuously reinforced by praise, encouragement and rewards, and where a child knows exactly what consequences to expect if they choose to break one of the class or academy rules and code of conduct.
Following warnings about unacceptable behaviour, children then attend 'Mrs Baileys' Lunchtime Club' as detention and parents are notified.
We appreciate and value your support.
There is no corporal punishment in the Academy.