In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and sport. This funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision in our school. This funding is ring fenced which means it can only be used in sport specific areas to make an impact in Physical Education and Sport in schools.
Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and Sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
The DFE vision for the Primary PE and Sport Premium is:
All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
Our objective: To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in our school.
It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the following 5 key indicators:
1. The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles
2. The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
4. Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
5. Increased participation in competitive sport.
Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Swimming Information
Murrow Primary Academy, we work hard to ensure that our swimming model produces the best experiences and progress for all pupils. Over many years, we ensure that all children, from Reception to year 6 swim every day in the second half of the summer term. (Minimum six weeks – five days a week) The lessons last for 40 minutes a day. The school uses the onsite swimming pool. The pool is also used for KS2 and KS1 after school swimming clubs where up to 20 children at a time use the swimming pool for an hour. With the changes in the Swimming curriculum we will be training all staff through a British Swimming course and will use a qualified coach to shadow each member of staff for one hour a week during the swimming season.
The graph below shows the achievements of Year 6 pupils upon leaving MPA. This year we used a trained swimming coach to work with all teachers to upskill them and improve the accuracy of assessment. New ideas for warm ups etc were also provided.