(i) The Trust aims to work together with parents to ensure that all children registered at a DLPT school attend both
regularly and punctually. We expect attendance at school to be 100% unless there are exceptional or unavoidable reasons for absence.
(i) Parents have a legal duty to ensure that children of compulsory school age attend on a regular and fulltime basis (compulsory school age starts the term after the child turns 5)
(ii) Parents should ensure that if their child is absent from school for any unavoidable reason such as illness, they should contact the school as soon as possible, preferably by telephone before 9.15am on every morning of absence, they may also inform school either by letter or in person.
(iii) Parents should arrange routine medical appointments outside school hours. If this is unavoidable children should come to school/return to school before/after their appointment so as to miss as little learning as possible.
(iv) Parents cannot authorise their child’s absence – only the school can do this on the basis of the explanation provided by the parents. Should parents fail to provide a satisfactory reason for their child’s absence the school will record such absence as unauthorised. It may become necessary on occasions, for the school to request medical evidence for regular absences due to illness.
(v) Parents should ensure that their child arrives in time for the start of registration. If a child arrives late then they should report to the office.
(vi) Parents should avoid booking family holidays during school term time. If this is unavoidable they should write to the Head teacher. All holidays during term time will be recorded as unauthorised. (leave will only be granted in extremely exceptional circumstances see appendix 1). If parents are not happy with the decision concerning holiday leave, they should make representations to the Governing Body of the school
Further details on school attendance can be found here -