We aim to offer pupils the opportunity to be creative and develop practical skills, leading to a greater self-awareness and enhancing personal development. They learn to be critical of and to appreciate the work of artists. Through our art teaching we hope to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.
We invite artists into school to work with our children to bring art alive.
Art and DT are also taught as part of our TOPIC curriculum. An artist is the focus of our Art for the term. Within Art, we are working hard to promote the use of sketchbooks in all classes, where children can be free to express and explore ideas and themes through a variety of medium, and also gives them the opportunity to be reflective on their own work and that of their peers.
Our Music lessons are taught using the Charanga scheme of work. We are also a ‘singing school’ and promote a love of singing and music throughout school. We have a choir and enter the Young Voices performance annually. We also have a song and dance evening for the whole school in the summer term.