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Lunch Menus

School Dinner

All children are invited to stay at the Academy over the lunch break for a hot academy dinner. Academy dinners are provided by Caterlink and are freshly cooked and prepared in our kitchen. See menu at the bottom of the page.
Free milk is available to every child at dinnertime.


Payment for Key Stage 2 children

Please pay for hot dinners on a Monday for the days meals are required during the week. The current cost is £2.55 per dinner and must be paid in advance or on the day.
Money should be sent in a named envelope! You can pay by cheque (payable to Murrow Primary Academy). We are happy to accept monthly or even termly payments! We refund you any meals not taken through absenteeism or academy day trips etc.

Free School Meals - all Key Stage 1 children are provided with a free school meal through the Government scheme.

We encourage you to apply for Free School Meals (FSM). The school % of FSM helps us when data is compared to other schools using FSM % as a factor. The higher our % of FSM the better!
We administer Free School Meal applications. Please ask at the office for further information. All applications are treated in strictest confidence and children are not aware. Even if you are eligible, your child does not have to have a school dinner, they can still have a packed lunch if desired!

Packed Lunches

Children may bring a packed lunch. Please remember we do not allow fizzy drinks, or drinks in glass bottles or cans. If your child has a yoghurt please include a spoon! We actively encourage healthy options.

Home Lunches

We do not encourage children going home for lunch. This break is a time to play socially with friends. Children who do go home should not return to the Academy before 1.10 pm and enter the academy via the office entrance.

Playtime Snacks

We do not encourage children to bring snacks to eat at morning break as we feel they need to run and play! Key Stage One and Reception children have free fruit everyday supplied through the Government scheme.
If your child needs something to eat at playtime, we appreciate items such as fruit (prepared), cheese cubes or a cereal bar in line with our National Healthy Schools Status award in promoting healthy lifestyles. Crisps or chocolate is not acceptable. We do not let children take items from their lunch boxes either. Snacks should be separate and named.