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Welcome to Rashford Class!


Welcome to Rashford class! A positive year is ahead of us, with new topics to discover and enjoyable books to explore!


In Rashford Class, Miss Goult, Mrs Wykes and Miss Ewing will be working with you.


Children have the opportunity to become reading buddies and share their love for reading throughout school- the children will need to read, at home, for 15-30 minutes at least four times a week.


Although we no longer have spelling tests, the children are working through the Year 5 and 6 statutory work list as well as having weekly spelling lessons based around spelling patterns. They are encouraged to use these words, alongside powerful vocabulary from Mrs Wordsmith, in both their English and cross curricular work.


The rapid recall of the multiplication tables and the inverse are important in our math work, so rehearsing them will really help. The children can all access TT Rockstar’s at home with their own log in and access to enjoy math games and a multiplication times table check. Every day the children will attempt to progress on their times table journey, please help them to do this by encouraging them to practice.


PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Children should come into school in their uniform on these days as normal and bring their kit with them to change into. PE kit should be a plain t-shirt in your child’s team colour or plain white. Leggings, shorts, or tracksuit bottoms should be plain and black or grey in colour. Any earrings must be removed by the children before PE.


Here is to a fun filled year of learning!


A fun way of 'revision' for KS2 in preparation for SATs!





















