All children are expected to do homework to practise skills taught in the academy, to research topics and to provide a link with parents in knowing about work being undertaken in the Academy.
Weekly expectation is as follows for children in Year 1 - 6.
Children will have spelling lists which they should learn for the weekly spelling test.
Children will also have times tables to learn at home which will be tested most weeks. They have access to Timestable rock stars and are on the quest to beat the Maths Superheroes.
READING IS A VITAL SKILL - all children have a reading book and reading record. Please sign this when they read at home, we want them the read daily, this can be reading to an adult, to their pet, to their brother or sister or sometimes being read to as well. We want children to love books and reading.
Years 1 to 6 have a termly ‘Homework Ideas’ which provides useful suggestions on ways to help your child at home. These are developed to deepen the understanding of the overall topic for the term. Some are practical and all should be fun to complete.
In Reception information is given most weeks. Reading practice and the application of academic skills in practical situations are vital in supporting children’s learning.
Please support your child at home and ensure homework is completed.