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Spring Learning Summaries




Welcome to DiCamillo class! 


Our class teacher is Miss Johnson and our learning assistants are Mr Manley and Miss Jones


We are named after the American author Kate DiCamillo. She has written amazing books such as The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The Magician's Elephant and The Tiger Rising.



Our PE days are Wednesday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor), so please make sure PE kits are in on these days. As a reminder jewellery and earrings are not to be worn in these lessons and hair needs to be tied back. PE kits are black or navy shorts and a plain top, either white or the previous house colours. For outdoor PE in the colder months we suggest the children wear jogging bottoms and have a jumper or sweatshirt. 



Please encourage your child to read at home daily and then quiz them on what they have read. Using sentence starters of ‘why’, ’how’, ‘how do you know’ and ‘what makes you think that’. The children should also be practicing their times tables on TTRockstars. Their username and password is stuck in the front of their reading diaries!







