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Mrs Lynn is the class teacher in Jeffers Class. 


Mrs Crawshawe is the HLTA in our class and teaches on Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.


Mrs Fowler is a TA in our class too and supports us with our learning.

Here is this term's  Learning Summary for the Spring Term. I hope you find this useful and enjoy the activities.


Physical Education

P.E. will be on Tuesday and Thursday each week.

P.E. kits should be bought into school on Mondays and can be taken home on Fridays.

P.E. is a team coloured t-shirt, blue shorts or a plain black or blue tracksuit. Trainers for footwear. 

All earrings MUST be removed for P.E.



In addition to our P.E. session each week, we will also visit the school woodland area on Friday afternoons. 

Again, all children need to bring a change of warm clothing or a wetsuit and MUST have welly boots.

This is a great resource which we are so fortunate to have within our school grounds which offers a wealth of opportunities for children to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding in alternative ways whilst enjoying the great outdoors!
