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SEND - Special Education Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


The Academy caters for the needs of all pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities with and without EHCPs within their own class. All teachers plan, set and mark work which is appropriate and relevant to the individual needs of all pupils. The Academy follows the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN) Code of Practice 2014.

The Academy is supported by a SENDco. All staff are responsible for helping to meet an individual’s special educational needs, and for following the procedures for identifying, assessing and making sure provision meets these needs. Parents are consulted when their child has Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and are invited into the Academy to discuss specific targets and identifying steps for development.

We welcome advice from outside agencies including SEND Services 0-25 who support teachers and some children. Teaching Assistants work with children in classes at the direction of the teachers.

We offer small teaching group support and 1:1 programmes for some children on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities register. This has proved very successful in raising children’s confidence and self esteem to achieve and raise attainment. We aim for the majority of children to attend these small group teaching programmes, and not just those children on the SEND register.

Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are encouraged to become increasingly independent and take responsibility within the Academy.

‘More able’ children are stimulated by appropriate work within their own classes, and in groups withdrawn for specific purposes.

Murrow Primary SEND Co: Abi Shepherd 01945 700357

If you have any complaint about the special educational provision for your child, or about special educational needs provision generally, please speak to Miss Aimee Garner or Mrs Nancy Irvine (Co Headteachers), Mrs Abi Shepherd (SENDCo) or to any member of the Governing Body.  01945 700357.


For information on arrangements for handling complaints regarding children with SEND needs, please see below:- 


Cambridgeshire Local Offer:

As part of the revised Code of Practice for SEND, all local authorities with their partners must publish in one place information about the services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people aged 0-25 who have a special educational need and/or disabilities (SEND). This is known as the local offer. This is the link to the Cambridgeshire Local Offer, which will be changed and developed over time and in consultation with parents, children and young people: 
