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Information Sharing

Each school in Cambridgeshire holds information on pupils in order to support their teaching and learning, to monitor and report on their progress, to provide appropriate pastoral care, and to assess how well the school as a whole is doing. This information includes contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information. From time to time the Academy is required to pass on some of this data to Cambridgeshire LA, the DfE and to agencies that are prescribed by law, such as QCA, Ofsted, DoH and PCTs.

Cambridgeshire County Council uses information about children for whom it provides services to carry out specific functions for which it is responsible, such as the assessment of any special educational needs the child may have. It also uses the information to derive statistics to inform decisions on (for example) the funding of schools and to asses the performance of schools and set targets for them. The statistics are used in such a way that individual children cannot be identified from them. The LA has a duty under the Children’s Act 2004 to co-operate with their partners in health and youth justice to improve the well being of children in their areas. As part of this duty they will be required to maintain the accuracy of the information held on Contact Point about children and young people in their area.