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All children are assessed by teachers as part of the teaching process. This enables judgement to be made about future learning objectives and targets. Assessing pupils progress is vitally important to ensure teaching and learning meets the needs of al our children. Children from Year 3 have termly personalised ‘My Learning Targets’ identifying the next steps for development and these are shared with parents.

The Academy policy on assessment is available for parents to read.

During their Reception Year, children are assessed covering the areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.

Booster classes in English, Maths and Science are small group tuition sessions for year 6 children, focussing on specific learning. Mrs Bailey also leads  tuition for children in Years 5 and 6 who require additional support to achieve expected levels.
We also use a range of materials and programmes to support children identified as requiring additional and / or specific learning in reading, writing and numeracy. These sessions are led by trained Teaching Assistants and some programmes involve parental support to aid progression through homework activities. We aim to provide access to these small teaching groups by many of our children.

Children identified as Gifted and Talented access extension and more challenging learning experiences. If you wish to have further information, please ask Mrs Bailey. During May, all children are assessed in English, Maths and Science during the KS2 statutory test week. Every child is assessed against the National Curriculum Programmes of Sutdy by the teacher and these Teacher Assessments are reported to parents in the children’s annual report.

An annual written report is sent to parents in July. Parents are invited to write their comments and return the booklet to the Academy for safekeeping. These report books belong to parents and are available at anytime.